Six Selling Myths Uncovered

Recently, I have come across these this piece and find it to be rather valuable to Sellers. These are also items that come up regularly with my own clients, so I thought I would share this here. Not too much to read in a day, more to come! Chris   Myth #1:  You should...

The 7 Deadly Sins of Overpricing

Thinking of Selling? It’s a tough market out there still for local Sellers. Still, homes are still selling, and everything will sell for the right price, right? If you just said ‘no’, consider this extreme example: even that 3,000 sqft fixer-upper...

5 Reasons to Hire a Buyer’s Agent

RISMedia publishes a daily newsletter for those in the real estate industry that discusses everything from marketing to technology to specific regional markets. Recently, one article discussed the importance of Buyer Agency, and why it’s important as a business...


A great reminder of the benefits of homeownership that we don’t always consider. From the National Association of REALTORS®.  TO PEOPLE…Home owners are happier and healthier and enjoy a greater feeling of control over their lives.Owning a home is one of the...
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