Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 7: Showcase

Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 7: Showcase

You are cruising. Despite the holiday schedule, you’ve been able to tell Aunt Gina that you can’t join her in pickling zucchini this year because you are sticking to the schedule. You have a goal, and you are so close to the New Year! Who needs New...
Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 6: Show a Purpose

Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 6: Show a Purpose

You are now in Week 6 of preparing to sell in the Spring, 8 weeks to 2018! And you’ve finished your Holiday shopping, right? 😉 So you are ready for the next tip: Show a Purpose. Do I mean you? No. Your house. It’s time to start bracing yourself for the...
Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 5: Declutter

Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 5: Declutter

Congratulations, you are half-way to 2018!! High-fives all around! Ok, that’s enough for now, back to the plan. 🙂 And our tip for Week 5? Declutter I know, we did that one already! But that was just one tip to get you started and prep you for packing for your...
Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 4: The Honey-Do List

Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 4: The Honey-Do List

You’ve survived Thanksgiving. Even though it slipped that you are planning to sell the house and move in the Spring to a house that fits your lifestyle better. Yet you fought the tears and even made the kids take some of their precious treasures home with them....
Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 3: Declutter

Sell Your Home! #8to2018 Week 3: Declutter

So, here we are, week 3 in 8 weeks of tips to get ready to sell your home in the Spring. Now that you are impressed with your painting skills  and are wow’d by how fresh that room looks, let’s charge on! Week 3’s tip: Declutter Declutter. We’ve...
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